Yantai Jinao Smelting Precious Metal Extraction Brick Pilot Project
Yantai Jinao Smelting Co., Ltd. Gold-based roasting slag precious metal extraction brick pilot project, this project is to use laterite-type gold or gold mine tailings as raw materials, using chlorina

Product Classification:
Building materials project

Key words:
Yantai Jinao Smelting Precious Metal Extraction Brick Pilot Proje
Detailed introduction
Yantai Jinao Smelting Co., Ltd. Gold-based roasting slag precious metal extraction brick pilot project, this project is to use laterite-type gold or gold mine tailings as raw materials, using chlorination roasting method to extract gold, silver and other precious metals while tailings A process pilot project for conversion into building bricks, which is expected to solve the problem of tail liquid treatment and tailings storage in the currently widely used cyanide extraction method, and at the same time improve the extraction rate of precious metals such as gold and silver, and give tails The higher added value of the tailings of the mine not only creates economic benefits for the enterprise, but also improves the natural environment.
Raw materials and process equipment to be tested
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