Electrical ceramics
The mechanical, electrical and environmental resistance (cold & hot, dirty & aging resistance) properties of the electrical ceramics are comparatively high. The electrical ceramics can be classified by shape of: cap and pin type insulator, pin insulator, rod insulator, and hollow insulator, etc. The electrical ceramic is mainly used for various of voltage levels transmission cable, substation and electrical equipment of the power system, as well as other special industry, such as: railway power system, that to connect the conductors of different position and for insulating & supporting.

Product Classification:
Industrial ceramic

Key words:
Electrical ceramics
Detailed introduction
Electrical ceramics
The mechanical, electrical and environmental resistance (cold & hot, dirty & aging resistance) properties of the electrical ceramics are comparatively high.
The electrical ceramics can be classified by shape of: cap and pin type insulator, pin insulator, rod insulator, and hollow insulator, etc.
The electrical ceramic is mainly used for various of voltage levels transmission cable, substation and electrical equipment of the power system, as well as other special industry, such as: railway power system, that to connect the conductors of different position and for insulating & supporting.
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