Taian Libo Shengyang photovoltaic power station
Taian Libo Shengyang photovoltaic power station was general contracted by Shandong Sinoma Engineering Co., Ltd, has successfully connected to grid at 13:17 on February 25th, 2016
Product Classification:
Photovoltaic project
Key words:
Taian Libo Shengyang photovoltaic power station
Detailed introduction
Taian Libo Shengyang photovoltaic power station was general contracted by Shandong Sinoma Engineering Co., Ltd, has successfully connected to grid at 13:17 on February 25th, 2016, the power generation capacity was 2520 KWh on that day, and the highest daily output reaches to 8500 KWh during the trial operation period, 10 days trial period total output was 64400 KWh, daily average was 6440 KWh. The power station was formally handed over to the owner on March 5th, 2016. This project includes project development, design, equipment procurement and engineering, construction management, pilot operation and maintenance of photovoltaic power plant life cycle management services. The official handover of the power plant marks the official launch of the power station into commercial operation.
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